Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year




Yesterday was the second day since I quit a job.Fortunately, I have a chance to take a trial for a home-based translation.The content was tourist information, and the article was not so long; but it took 6 hours to finish. I need to read m…


ラブインディアのチケットを求めて銀座へ出かけた。すれ違う人、行列を作る集団、どこを振り向いても外国人が目に入る。 浅野屋でクロワッサンを買ったときも、隣で注文するのは欧州系の男性だった。じゃんがらの向かいに座る母娘の口からは中国語が飛び交っ…

Started a new fiscal year with no job

About 2 hours later, a new era name will be disclosed. In Japan, we use era names in Japanese calendar in addition to that of western calendar. Next month, the current era name will be changed for the abdication of present Tenno. I quit a …